Law of Attraction 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 π’ƒπ’†π’‰π’Šπ’π’… 55*5 Method

Law of Attraction – The Secret of 55*5 Method

You must read this article to get a better result from the Law of Attraction 55*5 method. Once you have tried Law of attraction methods and if you have not got good results, you must read this article and you have to understand the way of Law of Attraction works. First of all, if you don’t have an idea about the law of attraction. Read “What is LoA ” first.

With the success of the Law of Attraction 55*5 method being heard and seen every day all over the world, it has become a topic in every corner of the world. It has become something that everyone tries with confidence.

How can this have such successful results?

Some people think that there is some magic behind this. I have to say that, there is no but science. According to quantum physics, every object has its own frequency and vibration. Also, there are negative energy and positive energy everywhere. In simply we use that positive energy and positive vibrations in the Law of Attraction.

Until now, very few people knew the method and used it. From now, you will also use this method knowing the secret behind it and understanding it.

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What is really going on with the Law of Attraction 55*5 method

The Law of Attraction 55*5 method is to create a specific goal for 5 days, 55 times a day. That is, write your intentions 55 times a day for 5 consecutive days. There are five special facts to consider. Let’s see one by one.

  1. Basic process
  2. Why use the number 5?
  3. Tools that support this method
  4. More Focus
  5. Your commitment

The basic process of the Law of Attraction 55*5 method

  • Your intentions are deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind.
  • Reaffirm your intentions in your subconscious.
  • Raise your vibrations to what you like.
  • A process that reprograms your subconscious.

In other words,

Everything has power and everything of this world has its own frequency. Power is everything in this world. We constantly release energetic vibrations through our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

The process of “attraction” begins whenever we create thoughts that fit the vibrations of our intentions (goals or targets). This is done by a repetition of the same affirmation sentence.

Why use the number 5?

“5” “55” Numbers are numbers of spiritual significance. These numbers are especially used as amplifiers to gain power in the law of attraction.

The number 5 in arithmetic indicates are:

  • Recovery
  • Making a difference
  • A new beginning

For this reason, every time you try something new, you will use the amazing power of this “5” number to get awesome results.

The number “5” will be improving your life as well as giving a new beginning into your life. Many people use the Law of Attraction 55*5 method to get good results in every aspect of their lives. If they want a change or something new in their life, they will use this amazing method.

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Tools that support the Law of Attraction 55*5 method

What happens here is not just continuous writing the same goal 55 times for 5 days… There are other tools that integrate into this method. Those are:

  • Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Trust about the universe

You use a positive as well as a strong sentence for this Law of Attraction 55*5 method. Previously I presented how to create a positive and powerful sentence. You already know the power of it.

While you write each sentence, you have to imagine as if your goal has already been achieved. The universe (subconscious mind) is not aware of the magic you use here. The universe does not accept that you are expressing gratitude for something you do not currently have. Whatever happens to you right now, the universe will give it to you again and again.

And the trust you place in the universe is important.

Eg: You believe that you are a successful person, you believe that you are a healthy person….

This way your subconscious mind believes that you already have what you need. It will bring you successful results.

Strict attention

Not once or twice but 55 times you write the same sentence with one mindset. Not an occasional writer. Writing 55 times in one sitting.

So that your attention does not go away from this process… As well as creating illustrations during writing, writing each sentence and reading the sentence at the end.

These things suggest you keep your focus on the process itself.

Your commitment to the Law of Attraction 55*5 method

Some people have asked that is it writing in a book essential?

Can we type on a computer or cell phone?

Can we speak instead of writing the sentence?

One goal, 55 times in 5 days, and writing continuously shows the commitment to you on this. This commitment of yours will make you fit to achieve your goal.

So, here’s the secret behind this process. In the comment section below, you all have the opportunity to present the facts or more detail, and feel free to ask anything that you want to know more…

Also, you must know how to do the Law of Attraction 55*5 method. So, click on the link and read that article.

Become a conscious user, not just a user. Good luck.

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  1. Nice article. I was searching for this kind of articles but very rare to find such a wonderful details. Thank you so much 😍

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