
Telepathy communication methods

What is Telepathy?

Telepathy is the ability to communicate from mind to mind. “Tele” means “distance” and “pathy” means “feeling”. Telepathy is the sharing of emotions from a distance. No matter how far away you and your partner, this can use to communicate between two minds in telepathy communicating. 

Various experiments of scientists have found that a person communicates 4,000 miles by using this Telepathy communication. This way, we can send messages to our best friends or someone we love easily. 

As you read this article, you will learn about some of the steps you can take to begin the process of communication with Telepathy. Also, you can learn the way to send love vibrations to someone, telepathy communication methods, telepathy meaning, examples for telepathy communication, and you will learn how to read the mind of others. So, read this article till the end.

Telepathy is a Greek word. The modern scientific definition of this is to send feelings through empty space without utilizing any physical medium. If I want to give you a message, I can do it over the emotions as well as the phone. 

Emotions are more powerful than phone calls. Phone calls only hear into your ears. But the emotional wave travels directly to your subconscious. It will travel to the subconscious and it will store there. The emotional waves that are storing in this way are very powerful. It sinks to the bottom of the mind. Remains a consistent message. 

Also, telepathy can send emotional waves to the mind and strengthen the mind. It can also strengthen the immune system and we can use it for healing. This also calls as wave transmission. 

Participants and segments of telepathy 

There are some requirements to fulfill to practice this method. You must fulfill those requirements to get a better result from this mind-reading method. I will put those compulsory requirements one by one. Consider those carefully. And make sure to remove all your negative energy (negative vibration) for getting a wonderful result from this. Click here to learn how to remove negative energy correctly. Clear your negative energy before practice any mind-reading method. It is a very important part. 

Here is the requirements list for doing telepathy communication methods. Prepare those correctly.   

Sender and receiver

There must be a sender as well as a receiver in training this telepathy communication technique. When thoughts are transmitted, one must also be present to receive those transmitted thoughts. Both sender and receiver have different tasks here. 


We need to have 100% confidence in this mind-blowing communication. Not only the sender but also the receiver needs to have confidence in this telepathy communication. 

Physical relaxation

The physical relaxation of the sender and the recipient is essential for successful telepathy communication. You must have a positive physical and mental health to do this. You must rid out of negative energy. Having good health is very important and this cannot be done when you are not well. Because you need strong physical health to telepathy communication. 

Mental relaxation

You need to get rid of unwanted thoughts from your mind and keep your mind focused on what you are doing… Then you need to keep in mind only your thoughts about your goals and only your partner (the recipient of the message). 

After that you can have a good result if you are keeping the mind calm in a quiet environment while exchanging messages with telepathy. 

Process of telepathy communication 

Telepathy can referrer to as the exchange of messages through thoughts. This means communication through thoughts without using any communication device. For that, we need to do some steps as below. 

First of all, you have to remove your negative vibrations and negative energy to practice telepathy. For that, click here to know how to remove negative vibrations and negative energy… 

Must be imagined

Before starting the transmission, follow the previous steps carefully and close your eyes and imagine a picture of your partner and imagine that you are talking to him on the phone with the maximum energy of your mind… 


Follow the given steps and send your message to your partner. Don’t bother to do it and don’t waste extra energy to do that. It is as easy as talking on the phone. Just communicate your feelings via your subconscious mind. 

When to stop 

The time to stop telepathy comes the moment when you feel strongly that you have transmitted thoughts. It can take up to 15 minutes. After that, you can stop the transmission. 

By repeating and practicing these steps, you will be able to communicate with your loved ones mentally by using the subconscious mind. Those who have developed this further, that is, those who have developed the mind through meditation, will be able to read the minds of others… But you have to believe in this, and this would not work without trust. 

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Psychological research and modern practices on the telepathy communication 

At present, there are different types of waves in the world, and it is possible to identify them differently. Radio waves, telephone waves, and television waves are examples. As humans, we also receive various forms of communication in this way.
The universal conductors are spreading throughout the universe. But we can’t see those from our eyes. They spread across space, like radio and television waves… Depending on the sensitivity and interest of the mind, there will be more or less understanding of it. The power and effectiveness of electronic equipment affect its functionality as well as its clarity. Things like this also affect mind communication.

6th sense is simply the power to perceive things that the 5 senses do not have. This was also known as ESP. It has several abilities as below.  

ESP or Sixth Sense Abilities 

  1. Clairvoyance
  2. Telepathy
  3. Precognition (the ability to see the future) 

History of researching telepathy communication

J.B.Rhine andLouisa Rhine are the first scientists who have done experiments about telepathy. 

In the 1930s professor, J.B.Rhine and his wife, Louisa Rhine conducted psychiatric tests on external cognition at Duke University in North Carolina USA. Louisa Rhine focused on gathering information about spontaneous events, while J.B.Rhine mostly worked in the lab. 

A simple set of cards was developed and those are called the ESP cards. The deck of cards symbolizes a circle, a square, a wavy line, a cross, and a star. There are five cards of each type in a 25 pack… In a telepathy experiment, the “sender” looks at a series of cards, and the “recipient” guesses the symbols of those cards. 

This is only one method they used to check the ability of telepathy. But there were many more experiments to check telepathy. 

Modern developments in ESP or telepathy abilities

Throughout history, telepathy experiments have amazed scientists as well as mainstream society. In an effort to better understand mental abilities, scientists have conducted ESP research and experiments at various higher education and military institutions, and the results were amazing. 

I can give some examples below. 

  1. Soviet ESP experiments (on 1960s) 
  2. U.S. Intelligence Advertising ESP (July 1972) 
  3. U.S. Government ESP Research (on 1972)
  4. The Birth of ‘Remote Viewing’ (1970 to 1985)

Nowadays also the majority of developed countries take advantage of this system that is hidden from the world and secretly acknowledges those with special abilities… 

Is it possible to communicate with someone who is far from the mind? 

Here is the latest scientific research on telepathy in the world!

The laboratory where this amazing research took place was located at the University of Strasbourg in Northeast France. Dr. Michel Berg is the scientist of this project. His eyes were blindfolded or invisible from the outside. Both ears were clasped so that no sound could be heard outside. 

The other laboratory involved in this amazing research was located about 5,000 miles away in Kerala, India. There was a young Spanish scientist blindfolded in the same way. He is Dr. Alejandro Riera. 

This research was conducted on March 28, 2014. The secret of this amazing research was revealed in the recent scientific journal Telepathy. On March 28, 2014, sitting at the same time in two states of the science laboratories, exactly 4,600 miles away, the two scientists exchanged two messages without using any communication equipment. Recently, an attempt was made to scientifically prove that two people who are far apart can communicate without using any communication equipment… 

This research will use in the future for a major revolution of humans. 

Telepathy for the modern world 

We have seen these before in science fiction. Or only as things that can be done by those who have developed the mind. Mind-to-mind messaging has not yet been proven by modern science until this. This may be the first such study to be scientifically proven. 

The purpose of these two scientists was to send a message as if they were making direct communication from mind to mind. We call this the word ‘telepathy’. Animals have been using this method for a long time… 

Dr. Berg believes that after this research, Berg and his team will be able to find out how paralyzed patients and amputees can send messages with their own thoughts to their artificial limbs. This can name as a very important moment in human history. 

Not only that but one day, people will be able to communicate with others outside the medical field. Also, this can use for military purposes as well. Soldiers will able to communicate secretly with their partners without making any noise. 

 Connections will continue uninterrupted even when satellite technology and radio communications break down. Family members will be able to talk to each other without the phone or any other electronic device. 

In the future, the police and the courts will be able to read the minds of the suspects. 

telepathy communication
Image source

How to recognize if you also have this ability? 

“When I remember you, you remember me too…”

“I was just trying to get a call from you … at the exact you are just calling me…”

“How do you think what I think … how do you say exactly what I mean?”

Have you ever felt like this or have you told these things to someone else? At sometimes you may think about how that did happen… In fact, you may have had such an experience at least once in your life. 

Some were able to identify in advance who was talking on the phone. Some people can guess correctly how’s calling in the phone even not looking at the phone. They can predict who is calling when the telephone rings. I have that ability too. Do you have this ability? This is a very primary stage of telepathy communication. 

There is an opinion in society that identical twins can read each other’s feelings and opinions no matter how far away they are. ‘James Lewis’ and ‘James Springer’ are the example for this. In this manner, some soul mates also have the ability to realize each other’s feelings without saying a word…

We have heard that a person with supernatural powers can read the minds of others.

Will this be a modern superpower?

However, this research of the transmission of words from one human brain to another revealed one thing to us. keeping our secrets in our minds may not be possible in the future. In the near future, telepathy communication became a unique mode of communication between people. 

In the same manner, if someone uses this for doing wrong things. It is very harmful to society. That is why we need a proper guide for practicing telepathy communications. Good luck for this mind hack practice…

So, it is all about ‘Telepathy communication’ and make sure to follow the steps according to this fully guided article and share this with your friends. Also, do not forget to share your experiences, ideas and suggestions in the comment section. 

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  1. This is a really interesting and an attractive post! Thanks to the author for the content here.

  2. woow wonderful article. I will practice this as you mentioned. very interesting facts are included here

  3. I already do back and forth telepathy that is exactly like a cell phone call utilizing sublingual vocalization to speak, whisper whatever. I do not know if I have any inherent abilities tbh but I am a receiver. It’s not vague impressions or one word at a time but conversational. The world is a much more amazing place than people even know.

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