lucid Dream

Lucid Dream of dream controlling

What is a Lucid Dream

We all see dreams. Perhaps those are very interesting dreams or those can be worst as nightmares. But, what if can you control your dreams? What if we can see what we want to see?… We can do this in a lucid dream. ‘Lucid dream’ simply means dream controlling. This is also called dream hacking, dream controlling, and dream manipulating.

Ancient Asian cultures have practiced lucid dreams many times and it is very famous worldwide these days. Especially, people need a proper guide before control dreams.

Here, I will talk about some reality checks that can be done to identify you are dreaming as well as some small features of the dreams. These features can help you to realize that you are in a dream. 

How can you control your dreams?

A lucid Dream means a dream that you know you are dreaming. This means that in a Lucid Dream, the person can change the characters, the environment, etc. of the dream as they wish, and have some control.

The term Lucid Dream was coined in the early 20th century. But even before that, several people, including Aristotle, have commented on this kind of dream. However, many scientific types of research are being done on these later. These experiments prove that a Lucid Dream is related to REM (Rapid Eye Movement), a stage of deep sleep. 

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Steps of dream controlling 

The first step in a Lucid Dream is to realize that you are dreaming. If this happens it could be from the area where our brain stores active memory (subconscious mind). 

But usually, during REM sleep this area is inactive. If this is activated at that point, then we can watch a ‘Lucid Dream’. 

That means when that area is activated, we realize that we are seeing a dream. Also, with the knowledge of the person, the dream can be carried forward. In other words, we will be able to control the dream. First of all, you have to remove negative thoughts and negative energy from your soul.

This method of dream control can be used to avoid nightmares too. Many scientific types of research have proved it… 

Special features of a lucid dream

  1. You cannot turn the lights on or off in a dream… It will be off when you try to turn on the lights while in a dream. However, this hard to identify because we are unconscious in dreams. 
  2. It’s hard to run in a dream… This is what everyone has experienced, when you are trying to run in a dream, it takes a lot of time or you fall. 
  3. You can’t scream in a dream… When you try to shout, you cannot make any sound. 
  4. You will not be able to see the time from clocks… This is also a good reality check. If you look at the clock often, get used to looking at the clocks in dreams too. 
  5. Impossible things become true… Things that you can’t do in the real-life are more likely to happen in dreams. Maybe when you jump in a dream, it’s possible to stay up for a while. 
  6. You can’t read small letters in a dream… In a dream, most of the time, when you try to read like a newspaper, the small letters in it will fade. 
  7. In a dream, you will not drown or die of suffocation.
  8. You do not feel pain in a dream… You do not feel pain when you are stabbed in a dream. Because of this, some people sometimes hurt themselves as a reality check. 
  9. Everything in the dream is weird… In a dream, a lot of things are mixed up and you see it as a strange dream.
  10. You cannot count fingers in a dream. This is a technique that a lot of people use. If you get used to looking at your hand all the time, you will realize in the dream that either the fingers of the hand are blurred or you can’t see those properly.

Dream recognition methods 

This is the most important part to consider when you practice a lucid dream. The important thing here is that you should always try to remind yourself of the dreams you have seen. You may have heard that some people keep dream notebooks. It simply calls a ‘dream journal’. Keeping a notebook like that and re-reading the dreams you see is a great way to remember your dreams. In this way, you are able to understand what kind of dreams you see and the signs of the dreams. These dream signs are about the dreams that you often see. 

Also, always be aware of the environment in which you live. At least four or five times a day, check that you are dreaming now or not. Also, do reality tests each time. 

For example:

you can close your nose and mouth and see if you can breathe. Or you can jump up and see if it goes up unusually. 

Or you can use any reality check method that I previously described. 

If you see a dream, the action will not have a logical result. Also, keep in mind that when you go to sleep try to realize when you start to dream at sleep. 

If you wake up in the middle of a dream, write the dream in the book and go back to sleep thinking about the dream you saw. Then maybe you can experience a direct-controlled dream. 

Finally, when you understand you are dreaming, control your dream as much as you want. 

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Important facts to consider for lucid dream 

In dreams, you will never see someone you have never seen in real life. The problem some people have is that you have never dreamed of a place you have never seen in real life. That is not really going to happen. Our subconscious mind is a lot more logical than we think. And your brain is much smarter than you think. Because you remember things you never tried to remember. Maybe the face you dreamed of was something you saw on TV or on the street when you were a kid. 

  1. Can you see the future in a dream?

Like I said before, our subconscious mind is more intelligent than we think, and it’s very logical. It can match all these other things as well as all the memories and logically adjust to something that may happen in the future. A lot of people in history have had certain moments when they saw the future. So, if you pay attention to your dreams, some tips will help you to get an idea about the future.

  1. I am very intelligent in dreams. 

A lot of people have felt this, in a dream, you are really creative, and your logical ability is very special. You may have some ideas or solutions from dreams. 

Try this if you do not see dreams at sleep 

How can we control our dreams if we do not see dreams while sleeping? No, it is impossible. At the first, we must see a dream to hack it. 

A lot of people have a problem with this. They don’t see dreams. Tiring situations, studying or working overnight or some illnesses may be the reasons for not seeing dreams. 

In addition, if we do not wake up in the morning and try to remember it within five minutes, we will forget the dream. This is why I suggested you write the dream in a notebook when you are waking in the morning. So, try to remember the dream at the moment you wake up in the morning.

Moreover, if you can relax your mind before going to bed, it will be helpful to have a better sleep. So, try mediation, listen to relaxing music, and avoid using a mobile phone before sleeping. 

What should not do while a lucid dream 

A Lucid Dream is not that dangerous, but there are some things you should not do. Let’s take a look. 

  • Do not look in a mirror:

In normal life we ​​often use mirrors but looking through a mirror inside a lucid dream is not good. That is because if you look in a mirror in a dream, you will see a strange and terrifying image that distorts your own image. Sometimes this could be your dream turn into a nightmare. So, avoid mirror as much as possible in a dream.

  • Don’t hurt people in a dream 

You may think what a danger it is to hurt a man in a dream. But the real story is if you hurt someone in a dream, this can make you frustrated in real life… So, don’t harm anyone and avoid violence in a dream. 

  • Don’t get addicted

practice keeping everything in balance. It is really good to meditate for at least 5 to 10 minutes a day before going to bed. So, try to keep everything in balance and limit. Do this with control. 

  • Do not bring sad memories into dreams

Be sure to follow this advice, for your own good. This can be stressful when you wake up. So, try not to do this. Especially never dream of your crush, or ex-boyfriend, girlfriend, or dead once.

You can get mixed up in real-life memories & a lucid dream memory.

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  • Do not try to think negatively

This means you have to think positively. What you think in the next second will determine the next few minutes of the dream. if you think about Sherlock, Sherlock will be right behind you in the next second. So, if you are a person who gets upset quickly, you should be careful if negative thoughts increase. Because then you are more likely to see the Lucid nightmare. 

nightmares mean you know you are in a dream and you can’t control the environment of the dream. That’s why removing negativity is important before practicing control dreams. 

Follow those steps and then you can easily have a lucid dream. Dream control is not a hard thing to do. But you need a proper guide to hack your dreams. Because follow my instructions properly before practice a lucid dream.   

It’s so fun and it will be a very wonderful idea. Share this article with your friends and loved once also do not forget to share your experience in the comment section. 

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  1. i experienced this when i was 5 or 6 years old. it was the same dream that was keep coming. it is was dreaming i held golds,jewellers in my right the night ,time to sleep …and sleep dreams comes again same scenario …gold jewellers ..and im aware that im dreaming….i clasps my right palm to capture the golds jewells and then instanly wake to see the golds in my palm.. its empty. some other daY I experiece out of body projection. it was accidentally happened in one morning. i thought i was wake up..go down to stairs and see my relarive playing batteried train toy , i even see the train inside the sofa going thru. as like 3d scene. then suddenly i wake up ..iwas still in the bed room. i go down stairs and tell the what had happen. i did know it was exactly really happened. and they ask how do i know ..i was up stairs sleeping.

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