law of attraction 55*5 method

Law of attraction 55*5 method

In Law of attraction 55*5 method, we write a goal 55 times for 5 days in a row.

If you like to know what is the secret of LoA 55*5 method, go to the link and read that article.

You can easily attract things that you need by using the Law of Attraction methods. By reading this article, you can know about the Law of attraction 55*5 method & you can attract anything that you want.

Before learning the ‘Law of attraction 55*5 method’, you all have to know about repetitive numbers. So, what are the ‘Repetitive Numbers’?… Repetitive numbers have a massive relationship with the law of attraction 55*5 method.

Those repetitive numbers are called ‘Angle Numbers’ in the law of attraction.

Example: 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888

From these angle numbers, we usually use 333, 444, 555, 666, 777 numbers when rewriting a specific target several times. That is, in the form of 33 * 3, 44 * 4, 55 * 5, 66 * 6, 77 * 7…

How do we choose the Angle number that best suits our goal?

These numbers have special purposes. We have to select the most suitable method to fulfill our needs.

In this article, we are learning about the law of attraction 55*5 method. If you want to learn about the other methods, please read my other articles.

55*5 method is very suitable for those who expect a positive change in something or who need a positive thing in their lives.

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How to do the Law of attraction 55*5 method?

Choose what you want. Start with a small thing for the first time. When you are getting successful results from this method, you can go for big visualizations.

As an example, don’t choose something like “I want to be a millionaire” all at once. Choose something like a call from a friend you haven’t been within a while, receiving a bar of chocolate or a small gift. The reason for choosing small things at the first is, choosing something small (without barriers) increases your confidence in the universe and it has a massive possibility to happen within a short time.

Making a sentence

After that, you have to make a sentence that contains your need. When composing the sentence, it should be neither too long nor too short. Also, write the sentence in such a way that your feelings are included. Inject your emotions into the sentence that you write.

As an example: I am satisfied, I am thankful …. etc. Thanksgiving is very important for all the law of attraction methods so make sure to be thankful. This means the ‘power of gratitude’. It is also important to use the word “I” in the sentence. (I am …)

Another example: I am thankful that I got a phone call from my friend (writing a friend’s name is important). When writing a sentence, it is important to write in such a way that your purpose is already fulfilled. (I am so grateful that I am receiving a phone call from my friend “friend’s name here”).

Now you have finished preparing the sentence.

Most suitable time for Law of attraction 55*5 method

To do this, choose a time after waking up in the morning or after going to bed at night. The reason for that is the first 30 minutes of sleep and the first 30 minutes after waking up in the morning are periods when your subconscious mind reprograms. If you cannot do this at that time, choose any time of the day with an uninterrupted quiet mind clear.

Choose a pen and a book. It is better to choose the pen and the book in an attractive way.

Steps to follow for Law of attraction 55*5 method

Write the sentence you selected 55 times (Continuous, without taking a rest). In doing so, at the end of each sentence, read the sentence aloud, either by yourself or by the mind, feelings are more important. Read with emotion, read happily thinking that you have already got what you have wished. Be thankful for the universe while you are reading this, then visualize how you act after you get what you are wished to have.

Now you have not only written that sentence 55 times but also read it 55 times. Then complete the task by thanking to the universe for accomplishing your wish. Do this for 5 consecutive days.

After 5 days you can do this again for another purpose.

How long will it take to having a result?

It will have a positive sign at the end of 5th day. Maybe the result will arrive before the end of 5 days. Very rarely, it may take some time more than 5 days.

If you still do not get the results after 5 days, you can continue to write the same sentence after 5 days until you get the results only if you want. (But 5 days is enough)

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Important tips to consider for the Law of attraction 55*5 method

  • The most important and most difficult thing is: “Set it & Forget it” theory…. Thinking about what you asked for from the universe during these 5 days or after 5 days, thinking about when and how complaining that you have not received the results yet, will prevent you from getting the results. So considering that is very important.
  • Believe that the results will definitely come quickly.
  • 55*5 theory is for those who expect a positive change in something. So, don’t try this for fun. Be serious
  • If you are doing the Law of attraction 55*5 method to attract something you don’t need or you want to attract something that harmful to you, so you may not get the result you want.

Follow this method to bring good fortune and make your life more beautiful. Good luck.

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