kundalini yoga online

Kundalini Yoga Online teaching for beginners

Have you ever heard what is this ‘Kundalini energy’? In this ‘Kundalini Yoga Online’ article you can learn everything about the kundalini…

In simply this is a great powerful energy force that hidden in the human body… As explained by the ancient yogis of the past about this Kundalini energy, this is a huge amount of energy stored inside our body that we do not use in normal life.

The Kundalini is simply the source of energy, especially in the lower part of our spinal cord, and the ability to use it for our physical and transcendental purposes through special meditation techniques. It is not easy to teach Kundalini Yoga Online, but I will try my best. So read this article to the end.

I will explain to you about such a powerful Kundalini energy… But before awaking the kundalini energy, you must remove the negative energy of you. Follow the given link to know way to remove the negative vibrations correctly. When we learn Kundalini Yoga Online, it is very important to remove the negative vibrations first.

How does kundalini yoga work?

Our main body can divide into five layers. On the outside is the physical body of the flesh. The other four body layers are an invisible spiritual body. The first thing in here is the soul body. There are about 72,000 nerves in this body. These involve nerve fibers…

These nerves connects with each other. These connections call as ‘chakra’. There are 144 such chakras located in this ancient body. Of these, 7 chakras are the most important. Let’s see those chakras one by one to understand Kundalini Yoga Online lesson.

7 chakras of kundalini yoga 

  1. The first chakra is the root chakra or Muladhara

This is located below the spine near the anus. Yogis have said that root chakra stores our life energy in this chakra and that the kundalini energy first starts from the root chakra or Muladhara chakra. Also, the root chakra is depicted in red color. 

2. The second chakra is the sacral chakra or Svadhisthana

This is located between the root chakra and the belly button. Ancient yogis have said that sexual energy and will power represents from this chakra. This sacral chakra represents by orange color. 

3. The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra or Manipura

This is located below the heart. This controls the body’s heat, and it has the power to control food. By awakening the solar plexus chakra, we can increase digesting power in our bodies. Also, this chakra represents in yellow. 

4. The fourth cycle is the heart chakra or Anahata chakra

This is located in the heart area. By awakening this chakra our body can do things like control blood circulation and avoid many diseases… Ancient yogis have said that in a universe of subtle sounds we can also deal with invisible spirits. This circle represents in green. 

5. The fifth chakra is the throat chakra or Vishuddha

This throat chakra is exactly located at the base of our throat. When we talk to someone, this chakra controls its potential and it also controls a person’s sadness and fear. By awakening, this throat chakra, our ideas spread to others, and this chakra is represented in blue color.

6. The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra or Agra chakra

This is located between the two eyebrows in the middle of our forehead. Ancient yogis have said that the awakening of this chakra gives us the power to awaken the other five chakras in particular and that the knowledge of the universe comes to us through the opening of the third eye. This chakra represents in indigo color.

7. The seventh chakra is the crown chakra or Sahasrara chakra

This is located just above our heads. By awakening this chakra, a person can attain things like connect with universal wisdom and gain immortality. This chakra represents by purple or white. 

I have explained the above 7 methods of awakening the Kundalini energy and a little simple explanation. Kundalini’s energy only can awaken step by step. It is not easy to activate fast. Ancient yogis have said that this awakens through 07 chakras. 

Kundalini Yoga Online
Image source – pexels.com

How to activate kundalini Yoga Online

These seven chakras are covered by the defilement of greed and hatred in our bodies. Meditation can eliminate these defilements and awaken these chakras. By awaking these chakras, we can activate the kundalini energy…

Kundalini means coiled. This is like a coiled cobra in the last joint of the spine kundalini energy is located. When the mind is at rest, this Kundalini energy rises like a snake, igniting a bolt of flame-like lightning from the root chakra below the spine. 

However this energy travels through the spinal cord and the lower abdomen to the apex. 

In addition to meditation, there are several other ways to awaken this Kundalini Yoga Online. 

  1. Chanting mantra
  2. Doing yoga and ‘pranayama’ exercises 
  3. Using enchanted powerful things
  4. Cleaning your inner spiritual energy by using several methods (read my previous posts)
  5. By developing devotion to a particular God

Special tip to consider before awaking kundalini power

However, it is not a good idea to get this Kundalini energy all at once. This can lead to mental illness and various disorders if you try to power up the kundalini energy without preparing for it. Therefore, when developing a good meditation correctly will lead you to wake up the kundalini energy correctly. 

Even if you have not awakened the Kundalini energy, you can definitely attract things by using the law of attraction methods. if you don’t know how to attract what you need from the law of attraction, follow the given link…

The law of attraction is a great way of using our mind to take us to a better place in life that we use for many purposes. But awakening the Kundalini is very different from this. The two main objectives are different. This Kundalini Yoga Online article you have learned about the kundalini and you can learn about LOA from referring my previous posts.

If you are currently practicing awakening this Kundalini energy it is a very good thing to keep doing it. This kundalini energy meditation method can give a lot of energy to the exercises in the law of attraction. 

That’s all about kundalini, I will give you another post which is about the meditating methods for awaking the kundalini energy. Put your ideas in the comment section and share this article with your friends and family… May you always be happy. 

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