Hyper Casual Games

Hyper casual games market and earning

What are these Hyper Casual Games?

In fact, this is one category in Mobile Games. Hyper casual games do not have many advanced concepts. But there are many simple concepts in hyper casual games. Also, those games use a lot of simple user interfaces and attractive simple color patterns. 

That’s why players do not need any prior knowledge to play those games. Because those games are so simple. That’s why a lot of people are addicting to play hyper casual games. People are getting addicted to playing hyper casual games because of the simplicity of these games and it does not take much time to complete one level in these games. 

In other games, it takes a long time to complete one level. So, the player wants to complete that level and play after the other level. But not so in hyper casual games. As the level is completed quickly, the player always tries to complete the next level. While completing one by one, the player unknowingly completes level 50 or 60… 

I think that’s one of the main reasons people get addicted to hyper casual games. We can take advantage of that… 

How do we take advantage of that?

If we can make a hyper casual game for a good concept, we can get many advantages. We can take advantage of what I said earlier. Because I think the number of players in the world for this hyper casual games’ category is currently around 1 billion. That number will increase rapidly in the future.

Let’s think we somehow made about 500,000 people aware of our game within a year. Then if we do the campaign for our game properly, there is a big chance that at least 200,000 downloads will come within one year. 

By the end of that year, most of the former players were gone. Like I said, if there are 200,000 total downloads, at least 40,000 active users would be playing the game. On average, if you do that within a year, the daily organic downloads are likely to be between 500 – 1500… Anyway, by the end of the campaign, you will have 40,000 active users. Even so, all of them will not play your game. Because people also have other jobs. Even we play a game in our free time. That’s why all of them don’t play the game every day. Of those few, usually 1000 – 10,000 will probably play your game. Everything I said will depend on the creativity and quality & attraction of your game. 

Hyper Casual Games
Image source -pexels.com

How to make Hyper Casual Games without coding? 

Let me tell you what I’m going to say. That’s what ‘Buildbox’ Software is all about. Making mobile games from this software is not a big deal for anyone interested. Okay, let me first make a brief introduction to this software.

What this software does is actually make games. But you know that making a game is not an easy task. The programming side is a must to learn if you use a normal engine to develop a game. But without any such programming knowledge, from the Buildbox software, just like creating a photo in photoshop, we can easily create our own 2D game by dragging and dropping it into our own idea. 

Another special feature of this software is that we can export the game we make to all Apple, Android, and Windows stores. That is another big advantage of this software. 

In fact, this software is a paid software. And now, there is a free version too. You can download it and develop a normal game. But the pro version gives so many more features than the free version. Click here to go to the site of BuildBox. Train to develop an easy game at the first. It’s not a big deal, it’s very easy. 

I think you have a little idea about the software. If you want more information, I will put step by step how to create a game with this software. There are apps made with this software in the Play Store, they have millions of downloads. You also can do it if you think out of the box and make a good game. 

How can you make money from Hyper Casual Games?

Is it really possible to make money from hyper casual games? The answer is Yes. Do we just get paid when someone plays the game? The answer is ‘No’. You can make money directly if your game is not free of charge to download. Then users have to pay you to download your game, but it is not efficient. Even the best hyper casual games currently available in the world are given for free. So, I think buying hyper casual games is not so successful. 

Nobody gives us money to just making and uploading a game. Because no one wants to just give us money for no reason. We could not make money just from a game directly. But we can make a lot of money from the game indirectly. There are many indirect methods to make money from making hyper casual games. I will explain one by one.

We can create a store for our game.

 I will explain this with an example. We can create our game like users can change the main character of the game. So that if they want, they can buy a new character by paying (Don’t let them buy all the characters, add some free characters as well). 

The two biggest examples of those stores right now are the stores on ‘PUBG’ and ‘Free Fire’. You probably know that people who spend a lot of money on a game buy the things from those games. 

Taking advantage of that, we can build a store in our game so that we can let users buy some good things inside our game. If someone is very addicted to your game, will definitely buy it. you all know ad networks like Admob, Unity Ads

Use ad networks

you all know ad networks like ‘Admob’, ‘Unity Ads’… We can connect our games with those ad networks. That means we can show their ads to the players who play our game. However, some players do not like to see ads. That’s why we need to know that they want to play our game more than they don’t want to see the ads. Then they have to look at the ads we show even if they don’t like it. 

But do not misunderstand it and do not try to add an advertisement to every button of the game. Because players do not want to play the game if it’s not user-friendly. 

There are several other ways to put ads on these hyper casual games. Those are,

  • Rewarded Videos
  • Banner Ads
  • Interstitial Ads

Interstitial Ads

In this type of ad, the ad comes to our entire display. The best time to display this ad is at the movement the player starts the game or he got out from the game. You can decide to display more places though. 

Rewarded Videos

What happens here is that when the user plays the game or uses the menu, a small ad is displayed at the bottom, top, middle, or somewhere of the game. 

Rewarded Videos

This type of ad is like giving a gift to the person who plays our game after viewing a video or another small ad. I will give few examples of this. You can give free coins in the game after displaying an ad to players. Imagine if a player got out of the game. Then if he wants to start from there, he can view an ad and try to play it again. If a player wants to double the score, we can put this ad at the end of the game and let him try to double the score after the ad is displayed. There are many more ways to use this type of ad. 

These are the methods we are targeting. You have played the game on the phone like that. You have seen in those ads which are displaying on those games. That is what we are exactly trying to do. That means we make a good game using the software I mentioned earlier. Then we place ads on a good ad network (Admob, Unity Ads’) and we publish our game. So, we display ads to the person who downloads and plays our game. Then we will get paid by those ad networks for clicks and impressions. 

But the most important thing here is these ads must not bother the person who plays the game. 

Hyper Casual Games making
Image source -pexels.com

How to promote Hyper Casual Games?

There are many ways to do that. One of the most successful methods is ‘Adwords’ (Facebook, Google)… What happens in this is we put an ad about our game to target gamers who surf the internet and show it to them. It can attract new people to our game. You display at least $ 3 a day for an ad and invest $ 90 a month, which means you can get about 1000 downloads in a month. But it is depending on the quality of your game. So, I can’t say it exactly. 

According to the information I have found so far, 1000 downloads per month mean that at least 500 people downloaded and removed our game. So, then our active users are around 500. Think that at least 100 users play our game for a day. Then on average about 20 ad clicks would come in a day. So, at least we can earn $10 for a day. Then if we get $10 for a day and we can earn $300 for a month. 

So, it will cost $ 90 a month to promote our game ($3 for a day and $90 for a month). Then our profit for that month is $ 210. But it depends on several things. 

We have to update the game with the same process every month. Bring more users to our game. Imagine you could be able to make 5 small games and earn a profit from one game of about $150 for a month. Then you can earn $750 for one month as a passive income. If you work hard, you can do it. But let me say one thing. Your commitment is very important here. 

Things to consider when making Hyper Casual Games

Now you can get an overall idea of ​​how much you can earn on average from making Hyper Casual Games. The hyper casual game category is very famous in the world these days. If you make a hyper casual game even after 5 years of hard work, even if you do a normal job and earn double or triple the amount you earned in those 5 years, you can earn that amount in about two, three months… This is one of the new trends of make money in an easy way. If you can follow some game development or mobile app development course. There are many free coursers and tutorials on the internet these days. Find and refer those to gain more knowledge in mobile games and app developing. By then, you can develop many apps than games.

Not only publishing apps, but you can also work as a freelancer as an app developer or game developer. It has better value and demand for game developing these days. So, you will be able to earn much more than you earn from a job. So, consider about that as well. You can also find many freelancing platforms on the internet. If you like, then try it. So, get used to making a good game. Good Luck. 

Also refer ‘How to make money from home’ and ‘How to invest money’ articles to gain more knowledge in business and financial field. Click here to refer those articles.

If you need any help or have a problem, put a comment in the comment section. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends and loved ones… 


  1. This is a popular topic to see and hear today. Very informative post and i learned a lot from this. Thank you!

  2. Very nice article. I like to read more about mobile app making. This article is so valuable for people like us

  3. Wow, this is made for me. Actually, I’m new to coding. Also, I don’t have strong programing skill. So I also can make games by using this simple method

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