save your money

How to Save Your Money and be rich

 It is so important to know how you can save your money and how you can increase your wealth. We all like to have money. Nowadays, we cannot live a single day without money. Actually, money had become a primary need of us. We cannot change this system, but we can change according to this system. For that, we have to learn how to be rich fast… From this article I’m going to teach you how to be rich fast by using easy methods, so read this article carefully till the end. 

Train your mind to know how to be rich fast by saving your money 

There are three main ways in which you can train your mind to know how to save your money and be rich fast. Those are, 

  1. Understand the smell of money and its touch and keep it in your mind.
  2. Focus on the images and symbols in the largest banknote and then, keep those in your mind. 
  3. Spread the love for the money you have. 

The above 3 steps are the first exercise related to attracting money to you. By doing this very piously you must believe from the heart that the process of truly attracting money begins. You must believe your dream.

Keep in mind that among the who earn $2,000 – $5,000 a month, there are millions of people living on this earth who earn billions per minute. They also have only 24 hours a day, so what is the difference between you and them? Do you think that wealth is so unfairly distributed between you and them? The difference is your thinking pattern or the way you think. 

Here one can say that it is not right to touch money, keep dreaming and create illusions about it. Yes, of course. There are no ways to Make Money from Sleeping or dreaming. if you want to learn how to be rich fast, you have to work for it.

Types of people and their jobs

There are two types of people in the world who work hard to attract money. According to that effort, those types are categorized into 2 main types.

  1. People of white-collar jobs
  2. People of blue-color jobs 

Here I will simply explain the difference between these two jobs. 

Those who do white color jobs earn by using mind and brain while those who do blue color jobs earn by working hard. Those who do white-collar jobs can earn income in different ways and give jobs to someone else while those who do blue-color jobs earn income by working under someone else. There are also big differences in the attitudes of both of them. 

A person who does a white color job will never squander the wealth of others. They do not criticize. Do not insult. They often think of it as a way to make money and attract money to others. They do not look with hatred for those who make big money with less effort. Do not envy. Wishes good from the heart. You will be able to save your money and become richer. 

Following the above exercises and following the many rules of the law of attraction, I have the financial strength to fulfill any need I may have at this moment in life without regret.

The universe will help us to fulfill our needs. But It is my personal feeling that the need should be an innocent need for our progress without harming anyone. To readers who are currently between the ages of 18-25, I would suggest that you plan to retire from the work you earn at the age of 40 but make a passive income. Realize your path. There are many opportunities. 

A simple mantra to know how to save your money and rich fast

Today I am going to tell you the secret of the oldest and most successful money pyramid in the world. This is a very simple and easy method which is used in many countries of the world, in India it is called “Lakshmi Vaastu”. By doing this you can save your money in an easy way. 

If you keep doing this for a while, you will realize that you will have more money in your hand. This is a very successful method used to attract money. If you are willing to know more money manifesting methods, go to this link. 

As always, today I will teach you from the beginning,

First, get rid of all the junk in your wallet and throw them away. There must be only a few essentials in the wallet. If you didn’t money is never so attractive. keep the money tidy. 

Requirements to do Lakshmi Vaastu-:

Banknote ($1 is sufficient)

White paper


Pen or pencil 

Creating the Banknote Pyramid-:

Banknote should be folded into a pyramid. You can also draw a small triangle on a white piece of paper and fold it over if you want. Use gum to bind the banknote. 

How to practice-: 

Hold your right hand up and put the banknote in your left hand. 

Do that and say the following sentence 21 times in the morning and at night. 

“I’m always getting rich every day”… Say this sentence whenever you can during the day. While doing this, imagine that you have the amount of money that you want. Think and imagine very lightly. Don’t worry about not having money now. You can get rid of that negative mindset. Removing the negative mindset is so important in this. Read this to know how to remove the negativity. 

Always remember that I am a magnet who attracts money… Do this properly and it will help to save your money and attract wealth. 

Daily routine to save your money and become rich

Wake up early in the morning 

A successful money maker should wake up early in the morning. Morning-night means that the night is not over for the normal world. Always think that you are a special person. There is no one else like you in this world (you are unique). You have no replacement. Be the first hero and great person in your world. 

Great if you have the ability to wake up at 4.30 in the morning. But at present, I suggest 5.30 in the morning as sleep is less during long nights. Wake up at this time tomorrow morning. The story that you don’t have time will prove to be a lie. 

Drink a glass of water

You now have 1 and a half extra hour more than a man who wakes up at 7.00 am to make money. There is something you need to do in the 11/2 hour. The first is to drink a glass of clean water as usual. Drink boiled water or mineral water here. Read this to know the importance of drinking water. This will surprise you on the second day rather than the first. Water is the basic element of life. 

Make an affirmation 

Next, we need to increase the money attraction meditation. Use a simple affirmation for this. Create an affirmation that suits you. Read this to learn how to make an affirmation. The main thing is to get the good attraction of the powerful energy rays in the universe. You are ready to go for a specific goal with good intentions. Remember it every morning at the beginning of the day. 

Do exercise

Get some exercise for the next 1/2 hour. Do it as you wish. Don’t think about it too much. You are definitely healthy. Eat a balanced diet every day. Add the meat, milk, and eggs to the dish. Prevent your bad habits. Because if you get sick, it is not good for your pocket as well. 

Associating with people

Cut the ones that need to be cut. Drop what should fall. Don’t be ashamed of it. Remember that, people who are coming for having fun are not coming for when you actually need them. Make a list. Keep such negative characters out of life. It is bad to associate with characters who waste time. 

You are also affected by the negative energy of the universe which often attracts those who see life negatively. Associate with people who are full of positive thoughts. You will also come to their level soon. Always try to gather with the people who are better than you. (better means who are smarter, more experienced, and more positive than you)

That is the truth. The love that has coins does not exist without coins. So have good association whenever possible. Associate with enthusiastic people who are poor in money but rich in heart.

when you save your money, consider about ‘Loans

Loans are very important to save your money. Because you have to consider about loans before save your money. Right now, you have something to get rid of. That is to nullify your debts if exist. Debt is better if it has become 0. No debt means no fear. If possible, assemble and manage all the debts scattered in different places into one place. From here you have to keep a strong determination in mind. Never mortgage a living home. Take it seriously. Never underestimate yourself. 

“I do not need a loan. I am a money maker”. Think often.

Ways to save your money by keeping cash

Do not put anything unnecessary in the wallet. Throw bus tickets, business cards, and all the unnecessary things. Keep the money in one direction. Read this article to learn more about these facts… 

If you do business, keep three boxes in your drawer. This is a somewhat tactical money-attracting theory. Follow those instructions to save your money and become a rich man.

Make your mindset to save your money and become a rich man fast 

You also may dream of a better life. A beautiful house, a good car, a business of your own. Even better freedom in life. But the problem many people have is not being able to save money. If you ask them, they will say different reasons. But we cannot rule out many of those reasons. But there is a reason that should be prevented. It is the negative thought that we cannot save money. That must be prevented. 

Believe first. 

“I save money …………” 

“I have a method for that ………..”

“I’m confident in myself ……………”

Use these tricks a bit while making affirmations like this. You can definitely save money. 

Very effective tricks to save your money

Make a list of essential items

The first thing you need to do before going to the store is to make a list of items to buy. It can be done together with the rest of the family. Then re-read the list and cut any unwanted items if exist. Write down the essentials first. Write down the non-essential things second. Also, keep in mind that you are only buying that list of items. Because a supermarket is a place where we can buy what we see, even if it is not essential. This is a very important method to save your money. 

Do not go to a café or a restaurant when you are hungry

This may seem like a bit of a laugh. But imagine what would happen if you went to a café when you were hungry. When we are hungry, our minds give us a message that we need food. Then we are more emotional. If you are in a café or a restaurant at that time, the food you see is the one you are most attracted to. Meals, ice cream, chocolate, drinks, and many more make you more emotional. 

Eventually, you will be brought many unwanted foods and beverages. You have unknowingly made an unnecessary expense. 

Carry only a certain amount of money

If you carry only $20 you will lose the ability to spend more than $20. If you carry an extra credit or debit card, you may end up spending more. So if you can carry a certain amount of money with you when you have the card at home, it is an important tactic. 

Bring everything at once

I mean by that, bring everything you need at once. If you go to the store from time to time, you will incur a lot of unnecessary expenses such as fuel for the vehicle, taxi fare… etc. And the time spent on something valuable will be wasted. 

Don’t be emotional

We like to do different styles. That’s normal. But there are times when that feeling is foolish. We think if we wear a used old dress, others will laugh. These days especially the people of young society are shy to wear old clothes. So, they bring home a large number of clothes. This is a very bad habit to save your money. 

Personally, I am not the kind of person who spends unnecessarily on clothes. I have a very limited quantity of durable, quality clothing. It’s easy for me. But my friends spend a lot on clothes. That’s wrong. So don’t be emotional. 

Save your money and be happy 

Make saving something that makes you happy. Set a savings goal. Here is an example, “I will save $65,000 before ending this year”. This way you can make it as big as you can. Divide that amount by the share per month. Be sure to deposit that amount every month. You should not target an interest from that money, but you save your money for taking your future needs. Do it happily every time you save your money. 

Deposit more money in a bank account without a card

If you have the most money in a bank account with a card, transfer it to a bank account which you do not have a card. Then you will be less likely to withdraw money at any time. That is a good strategy to save your money. Because you have to wait in long queues to withdraw money from a passbook rather than withdrawing it from a card. Also, you can withdraw money only when the banks are open. So having a bank account without a card in hand can cut down on unnecessary emotional outbursts. Save your money a small amount in a bank account with a card to take when you need it most. 

So, you can find many more tricks to save your money. Many rich people do not become rich by spending money, but they saved their money and invested those savings. If you want to be rich like that, get active today. 

Special note about save your money

Be happy with what you get. You will get more. Experience the richness of the mind. You will get richer. Think of the dress you have now as the best suit. Be thankful for that. Think of the vehicle you have now as the best vehicle. Be happy about it. Enjoy everything you have now. Experience your richness of the future in your mind today. Live a big dream. Your life will be successful. 

Be kind to share your own ideas and suggestions in the comment section. Be sure to share this article with your loved ones.  

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  1. Hey, this article is really useful to me and i wanna get rich fast too. So this article gave me a better understanding of what i need to do to reach my goal. Thank you for your useful information!

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