fair and white skin

Get a Fair and White skin in naturel way

5 natural ways to get a fair and white skin

These days, people are trying to be fair and white skin by using various ways. Many of these methods are not good for our skin. The most popular method of having a fair and white skin is using a fairness cream. But, this is not a good method at all. Because many fairness creams are manufactured from artificial ingredients. This will lead you to so many troubles.  

In this article, we are discussing five natural ways to get fair and white skin. Those methods are not only for women but also suitable for men. Everyone wants to be beautiful. Most of them want to brighten their skin. However, due to the products used by many people (both men/women), even the skin is getting fair, but other side effects and other problems have to be faced. Many famous facial creams, Facial wash is made with venom. And those products are absolutely not good for kids at all.  

Today we are going to talk about 5 natural ways that we can use to be beautiful. All five of these things can be used by both men and women. 

If you want to decrees your weight, use these naturel methods...

Drink enough water

Drinking water is the most effective thing to attract natural beauty you can’t even imagine. If you drink 3L a day… I can guarantee that in three months a large number of pimples on your face will go away and brighten your face.

One of the main reasons for having pimples on our faces is that we do not drink enough water daily. If you drink 3L a day, you can definitely attract fairness on your face. Those who have experience with this, feel free to put a comment below.  Know the value of Drinking water from here.

In this manner, I used to keep a 1L glass bottle in my office, inside my car, and in my bedroom full of water every time. It inspired me to drink enough water every day.

Steam your face

Did you know that steam can get you a fair and white skin? 

Here’s how to do that. At the first, put a few pieces of lime into boiling water. Then steam your face with that water. Vitamin C in lime can change the color of your face from dark to bright.

Remember that you do not need to steam for more than 2-3 minutes. Seaming two minutes is more than enough. Steaming overtime is not good for our skin as well as our health. 

Eat fruits for having a fair and white skin

Eating fruits can really give you a fair and white skin (brighter face). If you can drink fruit juice instead of eating fruits, you will have a better result. Because it will affect our body quickly. Eat more of the below fruits if you can find them…






I am eating those fruits since I was a child so I can say without any fear that this good has results. Not only are these fruits, but you are also free to use any kind of fruit. Because fruits are always giving us many benefits. All the kinds of fruits are having many vitamins and many minerals that are so good for our skin and also our health.

Eat Dark Chocolate

There are basically three types of chocolates. 

• Milk Chocolate 

• White Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

‘Dark Chocolate’ is the only one that contains the benefit that makes our skin look beautiful. Dark Chocolate is not just for whitening the face. It has so many benefits if we eat dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is good for a lot of things like below. 

whitening the skin

Increase hair nutrition

Minimize the hair damage due to sunlight

Increase hair volume (volume/thickness)

Improve the brainpower (memory/ thinking capacity)

But you must not eat too much chocolate every day. Because chocolate includes high sugar levels, and that is not good for your health. Please consider not eat more than 10g of chocolate for a single day. 

Use rice water for having a fair and white skin

have you noticed that in the rice water (white water after washing rice) it looks like something is floating? 

The Ferulic Acid in the rice water comes out when we wash the rice. That acid can whiten the face. This is a wonderful method to getting fair and white skin within a very short time. This method is in Asian cultures like China, Japan, Thailand, and also India… 

How to make this magical thing:

Get 4 tbsp of rice and put it into a cup. Add about twice as much water as the rice is filled and stir well until it turns white. Then take a cotton button and apply rice water on your face (or body) …Then massage for 20-30 minutes and wash off. 

Those are the easiest ways to get a fair and white skin. But you must remember that having brown or dark skin does not make you ugly. It is also very nice to have dark skin. So, it means you don’t need to use any fairness cream to get a whiting skin. But you can attract fairness to your face and body by using these simple natural ways that I mentioned. 

So, if you try all these methods, you can get a whiten skin quickly. I guarantee on all these methods… Feel free to comment on your ideas and experiences in the comment section below. And if you like this article or feel this is valuable, please share this with your friends and loved ones. 

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