Aura energy

Aura energy activating guide

Ora is a ring of rays that contains around our body. It can also be said that this is an energy generator… Normally, this aura ring extends around 30-40cm in a person’s body. This can be increased by someone with more spiritual strength.

We must to keep our aura ring clean and strong. But you have to remove your negative vibrations before increasing the power of the aura.

Evidence for Aura  

In 1939, a scientist named ‘Semyon Kirlian’ was conducting research in the field of photography. High voltage plates have used and one of the scientist’s hands went between the plates due to an accident. Then examined the photographs and was shocked by what he saw. His hand was marked on the film. At the same time, there was a stream of rays (aura) around his arm. Today, this technology is highly advanced using voltage changes (frequency) and electromagnetic fields…

When a leaf is removed from a branch of a tree and the branch is photographed according to this method, the rays of light are recorded along with the leaf. As a result, this method has led to many new discoveries about the magnetic body of living things. 

Observations from these photographs have shown that the human body emits rays of different colors at different senses. 

You may have seen statues and images of spiritually advanced people such as saints with radiant rings around their heads or bodies. That represents the aura. In many western countries, they hire special people to help them to grow their aura. Also in eastern culture, they use various methods such as meditation, prayers and hypnosis, and secret philosophical activities

How does Aura work?

There are seven energy centers in your inner body. We call them ‘chakras’. It can also be called your energy body or the body in which the vital energy is activated. Western researchers call this the ‘bio plasmatic body’. Each chakra has its own power and capabilities. 

The first chakra is the root chakra. The color of this chakra is red. This is the main source that we connect with the earth.

The second chakra is the Sacral chakra. Its color is orange.

The third chakra is the Solar plexus chakra. The color of the Solar plexus chakra is yellow.

The fourth chakra is the Heart chakra. The color of the Heart chakra is green.  

The fifth chakra is the Throat chakra. The color of the Throat chakra is blue.  

The sixth chakra is the Third eye chakra. Its color is purple.

The seventh chakra is the Crown chakra. The color of Crown chakra is a combination of all seven major colors. It means white. 

This is a very simple demonstration of chakras. Read this article to learn more about chakras and how to activate these chakras by doing yoga and meditations. 

How to increase aura energy?

I mentioned those details to give you some idea about how the aura works. each of those chakras has its specific light. It just spreads the colors that are inherent in each chakra. It usually extends about 9cm from the human body. But as the mind develops, the distance of aura will increase. 

 But we cannot see this from our eyes. The reason is that its high vibration and activation exceed the dimension of our eye. If you calm your mind, you will see the aura of others as well as yours. This depends on your mental ability. 

If you are always angry, jealous, or have any pessimistic feelings, your aura turns dark or dark red. At that moment, your aura is at a very weak level.

When you are in peace, happy, in love, and optimistic, its overall color is green or blue and purple. In those cases, your energy ring is very strong, and you will be safe.

What is special here is that when we are in a normal state of mind and we are in close contact with others, the influence of others’ aura affects our aura and our subconscious mind to some extent. 

If you are associating with negative people, your energy is automatically getting weak. Your aura power will decrease due to the negative vibrations. It happens without your knowledge. Similarly, when you go near people who are very negative, you will feel a certain pessimism. Observe this, you will feel a drop in your energy. The reason is that their negative vibrations flow into you. The other side here is the same. As you approach those who have a concentrated mind and a spiritual understanding, you will feel that you are energized. The reason for this is their energy flowing to you.   

When you are trying to live in the moment, when you are meditating, when you are doing spiritual training, or when the hyperactivity of your mind goes down, the wasted energy is stored inside you. Then the power of the chakras becomes active at a high level. At this time, your aura is strong and optimistic. 

If you are thinking about negative things or doing negative things, your aura begins to weaken due to the activation of pessimistic thoughts. Ane then your frequency will drop. It will have a huge impact on all your activities as well as your life.

Special points to consider 

  1. Various diseases of the body are caused by the failure or inactivation of these chakras.
  2. ‘Prana energy’ must provide to activate these chakras. Solar energy helps to energize this. 
  3. Chakras will energize when intentions are pure. 
  4. The energy of the chakras circulates throughout the body through the spine. Meditation gives you the ability to control this energy properly.
  5. We need to be able to stay focused while meditating. “Take a Deep Breath” will help you to relax your mind for meditation.
  6. Start your breathing practice 20-30 minutes before your meditation start. 
  7. You will understand the connection between meditation and energy by doing this. 

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