Astral projection

Astral Projection for out of body experience

Background and history of Astral Projection

We know that there is a subtle body inside our physical body and with the help of astral projection (astral travel) we can come out from our physical body and move around. Many beliefs have established in mankind that this inner mind wanders until after death to another state. 

In Tibetan meditations, with the help of this subtle body, people getting trained to come out of the body and do certain activities, and re-enter their own body. Books called ‘Phowa’ in Tibet teach how to come out from the body. This yoga technique and is also known as ‘Trong-jug’.  

There are also those who are naturally able to leave the body without any training. Those kinds of people with natural astral travel ability are very rare. 

Such is the world-wide experience of the subtle body that exists within us in our own form, and it is a miracle that modern scientists have also uncovered facts about the subtle body within us. 

Not only Tibet, ancient Indians, and red Indians also practiced this astral projection method. Russian and Western scientists are researching such capabilities. Dr. Charles Tart of the University of California, USA, is also conducting this research. In the West, research is being done on how astral projection works and they also train people to do astral projection activities. 

How to practice Astral Projection

There are many methods to practice for astral projection (out of body experience). The easiest and most popular method is the rope technique method. This method can be easily done by anyone without less effect. 

As I mentioned previously, astral projection is thousands of years old technique that used by various civilization in the world. This is also mentioned in many religions. So various groups of people used various methods to practice this astral projection. 

People are very curious about everything. From ancient time, people wanted to find something more than the physical world we hear and see. That’s why ancient people developed these kinds of methods. 

Perhaps you have had a similar experience. You feel like when you have a dream it just happens. This is called ‘obe’ (out of body experience). This is not a dream. It happens because during sleep your astral body (soul) comes out of the body.

Astral projection
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How astral projection works? 

The astral body exists as energy. Once we have separated the astral body from the physical body, we can access the energetically existing astral planes. Also, we can see other astral travelers as well. And our astral body can travel wherever we want. 

This experience will give you a different perspective on your life. And we will see many things that we have never seen in the physical world. 

Various people hope for different goals from practicing astral projection. But before practice out of body experience, you must clean your soul and you must remove your negative energy. If you don’t know how to remove negative energy, read this article to learn that. 

A lot of people use many methods for astral projection. As mentioned before rope technique method is one of the most famous methods to practice astral projection. 

The secret of astral projection 

From the experiences of patients who died in accidents, surgeries, etc., it is clear that the astral body came out at the moment of death. Everyone reported that they came out of the body and were floating in the sky about five or six feet above the body. And when the doctors hastily treated them, they are automatically pulled back into the body and calmed down. 

It is also clear that the mind is actively involved in the functioning of the brain as long as it remains in the body. The brain is the control panel of the astral body of the animals and the astral body is acting as energy. 

All records of this subtle body show its constant connection with the brain. So, in the future, we will be able to understand more about “karma”, death and rebirth. 

Rope technique 

The rope technique was introduced by psychologist Robert Bruce. Let’s see this step by step… This is a technique that needs to be done in a few steps. You should go ahead without rushing. 

First of all, if you do this without any confidence, you will not get any results. Also, get rid of usual problems and start doing this with a fresh mindset. 

If you are trying to do this in a room, turn off all the electrical and electronic equipment in the room. Make sure to put your mobile phones, tabs, and laptops away from you. Because the vibrations of those will act as a barrier for the astral projection and rope technique.  

Rope technique
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Step 1: Relax your body and mind

This is the first and most important part. Choose a free environment for this. Make sure to do this in your own room and it must be a noise-less room. Also, your privacy is very important here do not let anyone wake you up while astral traveling.  

Lay down on the bed and close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Then imagine that part by part of your body is relaxing. Relax the body slowly. Finally, bring the body to a floating level. You feel like your body is floating now. 

Then remove the thoughts from your mind. Do not try to force it. Try to do it step by step. Take your time for this. Try to relax without thinking about anything. Breathe slowly and lightly. 

Step 2: Sleep while keeping awareness  

In this time all you have to do is let your body sleep and keep the mind awake. Here’s how to do it. 

Imagine that you are going to sleep now. But you have to be aware. At this point your body is asleep and your mind must stay awake. When you relax your body completely, you will automatically fall into this state. At this point, you lose focus on the outside world. You will not able to move your physical body. 

Step 3: Relax further and stay confutable 

In this situation, you have to keep your eyes closed and not think about anything. In that time you will see some visions and hear some noises but you have to ignore those. Then you will not feel anything else around you. You will not feel your body as well. 

If that happens, move on to the next step…

Step 4: Feel the vibrations of the body 

You will feel a difference as you go further. You feel like your body is shaking. The heart beats fast. Stay focus at this point and don’t be afraid. Many people come to this status and give up in fear. Your body starts to vibrate which means your astral body is now ready to separate from the physical body. 

Step 5: Increase the vibration 

See if you can increase or decrease the vibration you feel. It will not be possible to do it all at once. Increase the vibration. Then try lowering and then stopping. Do this several times. Doing this will help you to control the vibration. And the next time you start to practice astral projection, you can get to this point quickly. 

Step 6: Take out the astral body

Imagine a rope falling over your head. It could have fallen from the sky, it doesn’t matter. Then imagine that you are holding that rope with your hand. Don’t shake your body. Imagine you are holding a rope from your astral body. Let it feel you the shape of the rope, the way it feels. Now take your handoff. 

Step 7: Out of the body (astral projection) experience 

Now imagine you pull the rope with your invisible hands. Slow down, no rush, climb up the rope. You need to feel this real. Go up a little bit. See if you feel a difference. Do this slowly. You need to have a clear vision of this. Or it won’t fit most of the time. Keep thinking this way.

When you think like that for a while, you will not feel your hands. It feels cold at this time. The head feels warm. Don’t be afraid of any of that. That is usual. 

After a while, you will feel a change in the environment around you. Without thinking too much about it, imagine going up the rope until you come out. Now see if you can feel yourself looking at your own body. When you get to that point, stay there for a while. 

Astral projection
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What to do while astral projection? 

Okay, now you are out of your body. Do not be afraid or surprised by what you see this time. Because as soon as that happens you wake up the next moment. 

You can now go wherever you want, and you can meet anyone you like to see. Remember that, your astral body is not limited to the earth. Go anywhere but do not go to places where there is low vibration. 

Another thing is that on the astral plane you see things have changed from their actual appearance. There is nothing to worry about. 

If you feel something is bothering you, remind yourself of your physical body. You wake up the next moment.

Lastly, this is not something that can be done in one or two days. Cannot say exactly how long it will take. This will change from person to person. Some people can do astral projection within a day. For some, it may take a month or years. 

The other thing is that this is not something special or magic you got. everyone can do astral projection with proper practice. All it takes is patience, time, and training. 

Important points for practice astral projection

Here are some important points and consider those carefully…

  • Try to stay focus first. You can’t do this without awareness.
  • The time flow of the astral plane is very different. different places have different time flows. 
  • Don’t be afraid when the vibration comes. A lot of people are scared in here and give up. The vibration occurs when you are about to have an astral projection experience. Get used to it. 
  • Some people feel heavier in their bodies. Others feel trapped and unable to move. It’s usual and you must not be afraid of it. 
  • Be sure to choose a calm environment to do this. Calm and quite room is suitable for this.
  • Listen to relaxing music before doing astral projection, these are designed to calm the mind or do meditation. 
  • Be sure to eat light food before practice astral projection. It is better if you avoid eating meat before practice out of body experience. 

So, practice astral projection according to this fully guided article and share this with your friends. Also, don’t forget to share your experience and idea in the comment section. 

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  1. I have heard about this before, but until I read this article i didn’t know exactly what it was. Thanks for the the information author!

    1. This is really nice article. I have learned a lot of things by reading this article. I did share this article to my facebook

  2. Such an awesome article. This is the best article about astral travel. very valuable information for Out of Body experience. ❤

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