Angel Numbers

Angel numbers and their meanings

The universe uses Angel Numbers to speak to us, to get our attention, to guide us, to connect with us, and to awaken us. 

The universe has many ways to communicate with us. Out of those, ‘Angel Numbers’ is the most talked-about spiritual communication topic these days.

I also see these numbers repeatedly every day. The great scientist Nikola Tesla said: “If the universe is a person, he must be a mathematician”. That is because the universe uses numbers to communicate.

We live in a physical world. We experience physical limitations. These physical limitations are not tapping on our shoulders and saying “yes. I think you need to find a new source of income now”. So, we need to focus on the subtle and creative ways the universe uses to give us messages. 

Living in the present as much as possible, looking at anything optimistically, and living happily in the present moment allows you to connect with Spiritual Signs. 

If you are engaged in things like anxiety, overestimation, over-criticism, judgment, and anger, you will never understand when your Spirit is trying to get your attention. 

If you are working for your goals, you will start seeing these numbers again and again from the first moment you start seeing them unexpectedly. This is an example of a ‘Confirmation Bias’ according to the law of attraction. Click here to learn more about law of attraction.

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How do we see angel numbers?

  • A phone number, and address, a license plate, a bus root number… Repeating the same number or number pattern. (Examples: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 1212, 1010, 2222)
  • Facebook Likes, Facebook Shares, Facebook Comments, YouTube subscribers, YouTube views, YouTube likes …. etc. On social media. (Examples: 222, 555K, 333 K)
  • Repeating the same number or number pattern as the time on the phone or watch. (Examples: 11:11, 2:22, 03:33, 04:04, 22:22 ….)
  • You may also accidentally see numbers that mention something special, such as your lucky number or your birthday.  

Why do we see Angel Numbers again and again?

This shows that you have been working tirelessly for your goals for a long time. Even you know about the law of attraction but if you are just only a dreamer you will not see these numbers.

It represents the universal process for your goals. This is a list of programs that will help you reach your goal. 

This is the moment when you recognize your spiritual power and the infinite power of the Subconscious Mind. You could be a different person 3 months ago, 6 months ago, or a year ago than you are now. But these numbers show that you have changed over that time. 

If you are working for your dreams but do not see these Angel Numbers, this does not mean that your dreams will not come true. Those who see Angel numbers over and over again are the ones who have awakened the infinite power of their subconscious more than you. 

How to deal with Angel Numbers?

Many people are asking “What does 111 mean?” “Why do I see 11:11?” “Why does 555 appear so often?” 

But you need to remember one thing. There are a huge number of Angel Numbers. You need to know the meanings of those Angel Numbers and need to know how to use these numbers to achieve your goals. 


I have a question for you. “Yes” / “No” question. You can answer the question as “Yes” or “No” and, you can’t use any other answer. If you do not respond, I will ask the question a couple of times and then refrain from asking it again… This is how the universe communicates with you. 

The universe is asking you a question by showing you Angel Numbers. “Yes” / “No” question. You have to answer it. 

When you see an Angel number, respond with “Yes”. Then release one / two / three of your goals into the universe. Then say as below examples. 


  • “Yeah. I’ve got my dream job. Thank you.”
  • “Thank you for giving me 5,000 rupees.”
  • “I live in my dream home. thank you.” 
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What should you do after that?

Stay confident about your goals for the rest of the day. Don’t worry about when and how it happens. Be positive about your goals. Be mindful of your thoughts. Stay tuned for new opportunities that will show the way for you to reach your goal. You are on the right path and you are near to your dream.

Meanings of Angel Numbers  

As mentioned before, the universe sends us messages from Angel numbers. Many meditators see the Angel number. It means you must have a calm mindset to receive the messages from the universe. You will receive a message about what you are visualizing. That is what happens to the subconscious mind itself.

Most importantly, do not worry about not seeing the Angel Numbers. Because sometimes what we manifest is successful even if the angel number is not visible. Think about the experiences you have had in your life… 

I want to tell you something more. Some people see the repeating number three times. Those are the same repeated numbers. Some people see it four times. As mentioned above, we can see angel numbers in many ways. 

Now let me tell you the meaning of angel numbers…


Can be called the most important number. You will see this number when the gates of the universe open to you. Then you will see this number even if what you are manifesting is close to being fulfilled. 


Most people see this number in a love affair manner. A lot of people believe that they see these numbers when they meet a spiritual partner, or when they get close to meeting. 


This number can be introduced as a number that indicates balance. Often this number is seen when the soul, the mind, and the body all come together. Some people say that this number means to be balanced. 


We see this number in the case of the house. Many people say that we should think a little about our home and our family if we see this number. Many people believe that when we see this number, the universe is protecting us. 


This number is seen when a positive change occurs. This number can be seen when something different happens, such as a change of job, a change of relationship. But this change will affect positively you. 


This number tells you to let go of negative thoughts and become positive. In other words, to balance everything. That means things like your wealth and love are included. 


If a person sees this number, he or she is on the right path. People see this number when many positive things are happening. 


This is a number that a lot of people like to see. This number means wealth. It means you will have prosperity if you see this number repeatedly.


You will see this number when something ends, and a new beginning occurs. It could be something done, or it could be a relationship. Something ends and you see this number at a good start.

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Special note about angel numbers

Just as we are happy to see the angel number, thank the universe for communicating with us and guiding us. The very next day our goal may not be achieved as such an angel number appeared. But thank the universe for making the way to fulfill our targets. 

Be confident. The universe will give you what is right at the right time. 

Also, just because you do not see the angel number does not mean that your purpose will not be achieved. Because we all are different, we receive different messages from the universe. Wait until your time arrives. Be thankful for what you already have. Follow a suitable manifestation method to get better results.

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  1. Wow! I also saw one of the angel numbers today. so i think something good will happen. You made my day dude. Thank you!

  2. I see every time these Angel numbers but never knew the meaning of those. this is a very important article 🥰

  3. Content is very clear. very easy to understand. I share this to facebook and recommend this article to others.

  4. Very nice article. This kind of valuable articles are so rare on google. Thanks for sharing this valuable article

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