2 cups manifestation method

2 cups manifestation method

I posted an article about water manifesting previously. After that, lots of people commented and asked me to write an article about 2 cups manifesting. That leads me to write this article so quickly. Okay, let’s see what is the 2 cups manifestation method saying, what are the requirements for do this method and how can we do the 2 cups manifestation method…

This is a new manifesting method is also a Law of Attraction method and very effective method as Nicola Tesla 3,6,9 manifesting method, 55*5 manifesting method, and water manifesting method. I have posted articles for those contents so if you don’t know about those methods, follow the links and read those articles…

What is the 2 cups manifestation method?

2 cups manifestation method also a powerful law of attraction method which gives us so many advantages. We can attract what we need by using this manifesting method. The interesting thing is, this is a very easy method but gives powerful results. 

Our final goal could be different from person to person, but our main target is to bring the vibration of our mind to a perfect place. So, we can practice all these methods and choose the method that suits us and move on to success from the law of attraction. The 2 cups manifestation method is just another method. 

2 cups manifestation method
Image source -pexels.com

In this method, we find a new word called dimension shifting (dimension jumping) which comes in the law of attraction. We are in a three-dimensional world, but scientists say that this universe is multidimensional. So, in this multi-dimensional universe, you can be in another world in a different way. You could be successful in another dimension. You can be different from the job you do. there can be an infinite number of people in different dimensions in different ways. 

These dimensions jumping means that you are moving from the present dimension to the dimensions where you are the most successful person and effective person. We direct the mind to that dimension. 

Some people call this ‘quantum jumping’. This will take you to a higher level than you currently are. 

If you want to learn more about quantum jumping, read the book named “Quantum jumping” by Dr. Burt Goldman. 

Requirements for 2 cups manifestation method 

  • 2 cups
  • Water 
  • 2 half sheets (any kind of papers) 
  • A pen 
2 cups manifestation method
Image source -pexels.com


You need to have a good clear mind before starting this. Do not do this during peak hours or in noisy workplaces. Find a free and calm place to do this. Because we are getting ready to bring our minds to a good vibration. 

At the first, you have to keep your mind free. If you have a clear mind, you should first visualize your goal for 2 minutes. What happens here is that you explain what is essential to you rather than what you want to attract. 

When you visualize, it becomes clear what you really need. According to this manner, visualizing is very important before doing the 2 cups manifestation method. 

how to do 2 cups manifestation method?

1st step:

Take one paper and write down your current position on it. 

As an example: The current situation, how successful now, how much debt you have, what kind of person you are… 

Write the truth honestly. Write a complete good description of yourself in that paper. 

2nd step:

Now take the second paper and write on it the qualities of the person you want to be, that is, the person in your successful dimensions. 

We do not write here I should be like this, I should do this here, I want this much salary in this month… We must not write like this. The reason for that is the ‘future’. 

The problem with the ‘future’ is that our mind realizes we don’t already have what we need, which is released into the universe. Because what you are trying to attract is something that will never come in the future. 

That’s why you have to write this in the present tense like the below example. 


“I’m like this now, I get this salary now, I have a good husband/wife, I have this income now….”

It has to be written on the second sheet as above. 

2 cups manifesting
Image source -pexels.com

3rd step:

Now fill one of the two cups with water and paste the paper that is written about your current situation. 

Paste the paper in the other empty cup with the details of the person you want to be (the person in your dimensions). 

You are ready now. You may take about 20 seconds to look closely at these two cups and the sticky note you wrote. 

Firstly, look at you now. Look at the current situation of yours it can be good or bad. But think about the current situation and focus on that life at that moment.

4th step: 

You look at the paper of the other person you are hoping to succeed (person in the other dimension). Look at the person in your successful dimensions. 

Think that how good it is to be the person you want to be. Visualize how happy you are when you be that person. Come to a good vibration and feel that feeling.

Imagine for a second you are transposed into a karmic driven world. So how happy you are when you become the most advanced person you can think of. Imagine how grateful you are for this. 

5th step: 

Now hold that cup of water in your hand as you keep that thought in your mind. That means holding the cup with the sticky note written about your current situation and with the present thought in mind, you pour water from the cup full of water into the other empty cup where the person you want to be. 

As you do so, imagine that you become completely successful… The present is changing, you are going to a better place, imagine it. 

6th step: 

After filling the empty cup with water from the cup filled with water. Now, you have to visualize for a while the new cup that is about your new situation. 

Feel that feeling with all your heart. Finally, you can drink that cup of water. At this moment, you have completely shifted to the dimensions of your good side. Do not any other feeling come to your mind during this time. You must only visualize the happiness of being your better person. 

Then you have to be thankful for being able to switch to those new dimensions. Feel that in the bottom of your heart. 

The important thing here is not to fill cups with water but to get your mind to the right place.

water manifestation
Image source -pexels.com

important points to remember before practicing 2 cups manifestation method

  • Don’t be in a hurry.
  • What matters is not what we do physically, but what happens mentally.
  • The mind does not work so suddenly. Do this very lightly.
  • There is no time limit to finish this process. So, take your time and do this correctly.
  • A very quiet environment is ideal for this work.

2 cups manifestation method is like a meditation. Now you understand that to create an environment for it. You do not want to be frustrated if you could not visualize this in the right way the first time. It is totally normal the first time. Do it again at another time with a free mindset. 

When you think about your present, don’t just think about the mistakes you made in the present. Do not try to keep yourself down. Try to be thankful for the good things that always happen. 


I have a healthy body.

I get good food.

So always be thankful. Your success is the most important thing… 

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  1. Very valuable content and interesting article. This is the most upcoming content in Australia.

  2. Very well written. This is a fully guided article about the 2 cups manifestation method. I was searching for this in a long time

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